Sunday, May 9, 2010

The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas

Happy Mother's Day!

It's 36 degrees (F) here on this cloudy morning.  A good day to stay in my PJs and read!

This book was something else!  It's told through the eyes of a naive 9-year-old boy who is the son of a Nazi concentration camp commandant.  Bruno has no idea who the people are behind the barbed wire but he's lonely and likes to explore so, one day, while he's out walking, he meets a Jewish boy.  They talk to each other with the barbed wire fence between them almost every day and a friendship is formed.

Bruno's innocence makes the story that much more horrible.  He calls Hitler The Fury and the concentration camp he's at Out With.  It took me a page or two to figure that one out and then I was like, Oh, Oh!

I could feel the terror and horror building page by page, one simple step at a time.

I needed something totally different after that and found it in Robin and Ruby.  This was a free download for my Kindle.  I'm never quite sure what kind of a book I'm going to get.  The last free one turned out to be very religious but this one is the opposite! 

We're meeting my MIL, daughter and granddaughter later this afternoon for supper and I can't wait to see my Kylie girl!


Paula Weston said...

I just sat and cried at the end of The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas ... what a powerful story. I know it's meant as a children's book, but you have to understand the context to appreciate how tragic the story really is. I can't bring myself to watch the film. But brilliant book. You definitely need something brighter after that!

Literary Feline said...

This was such a heartbreaking book, wasn't it? So sad. I hope you had a nice Mother's Day, Linda!